For inspiration, Nintendo decided to look no further than their very own successful line of DS handheld game systems. They came up with the idea for a tablet controller that would serve as a second screen, offering developers and players a choice of how they wanted to control their gameplay, be it with standard buttons and sticks, a touchscreen, or motion controls (for those that still wanted them). As an added bonus, this would also let players choose (in most cases) to either view the gameplay on a regular television screen, or the tablet controller itself, offering a unique level of versatility and flexibility for gaming enthusiasts who had to share the TV with other members of their household. The new console would ultimately also boast better graphics, HDMI output (which the Wii had notably lacked), and full backward compatibility with the Wii.
Dubbed the Wii U, Nintendo's new console would make its debut on November 18, 2012. Sadly, despite looking like a pretty respectable machine on paper, the console ended up being a pretty big flop for Nintendo, not even managing to reach a quarter of the numbers that its predecessor had sold. While the astoundingly poor choice of name was a big part of the Wii U's problems, so too was its comparatively anemic library of titles. Though the Wii U did have a fairly reasonable selection to offer at first, support for the console waned after the first couple of years, to the point where major new titles for the system began to come pretty few and far between.
That isn't to say that the Wii U's library was bad, however. Far from it. By nearly any metric, a good portion of the Wii U's titles actually ended up being objectively better than those that had been released for the Wii. Not only was the Wii U not absolutely rife with the same massive pile of third-party (wrist) waggle-controlled garbage games that the Wii library became infamous for, but many of its Nintendo-published titles were higher quality as well. Most games on the Wii U tended to score better with critics, featured more precise controls, and were arguably just more fun. Please read on for a list of 12 of the best games that the Wii U had to offer.
Although New SMBU may not have been the freshest or most interesting entry in the franchise, it was still a more than polished and enjoyable enough experience to stand head and shoulders above the rest of the launch title crowd. Also, the game did have a few new tricks to offer, such as the charmingly entertaining super acorn/flying squirrel power-up, and the cleptomaniacal purple rabbit character, Nabbit. The game was so good, in fact, that it would later be ported to the Nintendo Switch, in 2019, where it would actually become one of the best-selling games for that console.
Bayonetta 2 featured the same fantastic action-packed gameplay from the first title, now honed to absolute perfection. The game would go on to be nominated for, and win, several end-of-year gaming awards. For their efforts in making sure that Bayonetta 2 became a reality, Nintendo was rewarded with a title that would be regarded as, not only one of the best to ever grace the Wii U, but one of the greatest action games of all time.
In the fall of 2014, the series marked a first by releasing on not one, but two Nintendo consoles, with a new installment for both the Wii U and the 3DS. While the comparatively underpowered 3DS version was visually impressive, and did boast a few unique stages and features, such as the system-standard stereoscopic visuals, the Wii U version was clearly superior in nearly every other way, and even included an all new battle mode for up to 8 competitors. Both games, however, boasted an incredible assortment of 51 fan-favorite characters to choose from (58, if you include the 7 extra characters that were available to purchase online), the most of any Smash title up to that point, as well as the same smashingly outstanding fighting action the series has become so world-renowned for. Both games were also highly-regarded and would go on to win multiple end-of-year awards each. A Switch entry, the appropriately titled, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, would later follow in 2018.
It would apparently take several more years for Nintendo to get the message, but then in 2015, to mark the 20th anniversary of EarthBound's Western debut, a translated version of the original Mother was finally released for the Wii U, as an eShop NES-emulated Virtual Console title. Dubbed EarthBound Beginnings, the game was surprisingly good for a long-overdue, 26-year-old NES title, and surely put smiles on the faces of many a faithful EarthBound enthusiast. Since its release, though, the question then became (and still remains), when, if ever, will Nintendo decide to bring over Mother 3?
It's almost mind boggling that such an idea could be both an inspired stroke of genius and so painfully obvious at the same time. One thing was clear, however: if you owned a Wii U, then Super Mario Maker was practically a compulsory purchase. The game would be nominated for, and win, several awards, and would pave the way for additional Super Mario Maker titles on Nintendo's 3DS and Switch consoles, respectively.
Their 2015 Wii U eShop exclusive, FAST Racing Neo, was an expertly crafted tribute, featuring iconic, stylized racing action that was nearly identical to that which had made the Wipeout games so incredibly popular. As an added twist, however - - as well as a pretty obvious nod to F-Zero, Nintendo's own equally fantastic, yet criminally-neglected anti-gravity racing series - - FAST RN also featured jumps and special energy zones on the tracks, which are pretty crucial to victory (though FAST's zones offer binary, color-coded speed boosts, rather than simply repairing your racing craft). FAST Racing Neo was well-received by critics, and was later followed by a an equally-lauded Switch-exclusive sequel.
First and foremost was the name itself. Like most of Nintendo's prior consoles, the Wii name was incorporated into many of the device names and game titles for the console - - the Wii Wheel, Wii Balance Board, and Mario Kart Wii, just to name a few. Thus, by incorporating the Wii name into that of their next console, Nintendo needlessly caused an enormous amount of confusion for their potential customers, who more often than not, believed the Wii U to be simply another revision, or perhaps even accessory to the Wii, rather than an entirely separate, new and improved gaming system.
Additionally, despite making impressive inroads into a segment of the market that wasn't previously in the habit of buying game consoles, the Wii turned out to be something of a flash in the pan that largely failed to maintain user interest over time. Indeed, studies of the console's attach rate at the time concluded that while the Wii itself was selling in some pretty impressive numbers, the Wii's games did not, with a very large portion of console owners only ever bothering to shell out for 1 or 2 titles each (out of the hundreds that were released over the system's lifetime). With this kind of fleeting, lackluster support from Wii owners, it really wasn't much of a surprise that those numbers didn't end up translating into an enthusiastic showing for the next Nintendo console.
Nintendo would end up discontinuing the Wii U in January of 2017, barely over 4 years after its launch, and over a month before its successor had even been released! Luckily for Nintendo, that successor, the Switch, a much more thoughtfully named (and designed), hybrid portable/TV console, would prove to be far more successful than the Wii U ever was. Though, in addition to Nintendo managing to secure better third-party support for it, a good bit of the Switch's success can be attributed to the ready-made wealth of top-quality, critically-acclaimed Wii U titles that they simply opted to port over for a far less-confused populace, and therefore, much bigger audience.