Also out in the last twelve weeks, the original Darksiders game (in the form of the more recent "Warmastered Edition"), a modern 3DS remake of the 1992 (never released outside of Japan) Famicom game, Fire Emblem Gaiden, and a trifecta of notable new Switch releases. Find your inner ninja spirit and seek out your vengeance, then jump past the break to see more new releases from the past 84 days.
Once again, the New Nintendo eShop Releases were missing in action for a bit; and once again, we have returned with a dozen interesting new(ish) releases to share with you. This past week, the Wii U was graced by not one, but two fantastic TurboGrafx-16 Virtual Console classics: Ninja Spirit and Air Zonk. The first was an incredible TG-16 port of an Irem-developed ninja, action arcade game, and the second was an arcade-caliber Bonk-series-spinoff, console-exclusive shooter. It should go without saying that both are well worth your time and attention.
Also out in the last twelve weeks, the original Darksiders game (in the form of the more recent "Warmastered Edition"), a modern 3DS remake of the 1992 (never released outside of Japan) Famicom game, Fire Emblem Gaiden, and a trifecta of notable new Switch releases. Find your inner ninja spirit and seek out your vengeance, then jump past the break to see more new releases from the past 84 days.
After a not-quite-so-brief hiatus, the New Steam Releases are back, and this week saw the release of something pretty special: an enhanced remaster of the Super Nintendo cult classic, Wild Guns. With widescreen visuals, new characters to choose from and a very welcome 4-player co-op option, Wild Guns - Reloaded may well now be thought of as everyone's classic.
Also out in the last six weeks, fellow remastered classic, Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap, the next main installment to the Dirt series, and The King of Fighters XIV. Engage in a shootout at high noon, then jump past the break to see more new releases from the past month-and-a-half. The New PlayStation Store Releases are back from summer break. Did you miss 'em? Not a moment too soon either, as there are several great releases that have appeared on the store since our last post. This week, Final Fantasy XII came to the PS4 in the form of the newly remastered update, The Zodiac Age. If you elect to spring for a physical copy (and you can find it), you can even score a sweet steelbook version, somewhat similar to the Collector's Edition that was available the first time around.
Also out in the last nine weeks, badass DC fighter, Injustice 2, the 7th main installment to the legendary arcade fighter series, Tekken 7, and a remastered collection of games from the incredibly fun and popular Wipeout series. Return to the world of Ivalice, then jump past the break to see more new releases from the past two months. Happy 4th of July everyone! In case you weren't aware, today marks the final day of the annual Steam Summer Sale. If you live in the US (or even if you don't), you can celebrate the occasion by taking advantage of Steam's incredible display of explosive value. So, go grill up a hamburger and/or hot dog, drink something cold and refreshing, then jump past the break for a glimpse of just a few of the thousands of firecracker deals on offer.
December 2024
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