Another year, another ridiculously late Games of the Year article. Many apologies. It took much longer than expected to get to all of the standout 2023 unboxings on our YouTube channel. We plan to have all the 2024 unboxings done within the first few months of next year, and then we will hopefully be able to focus on getting caught up with 2025 by this time next December. If it's any consolation, as a result of taking so much time to determine the winners of 2023, we're feeling extremely confident in our picks (not that we haven't for most other years). Hopefully, you will too. Please read on to find out why we chose what we chose as the 12 best titles that 2023 had to offer:
Well, it's another new year and time, once again, for another retrospective. This time around, we'll be taking a look back at the best games of 2010. As the start of a new decade, it was certainly an important year; and it also happened to be a pretty exceptional year for gaming as well, with some of the biggest releases, well ever. Please read on for a selection of the 12 most notable titles that 2010 had to offer.
Well 2023 is drawing to a close and we haven't even released our best games of 2022 list yet. (And you thought last year's was late!) Well, consider that box now officially checked off. It took a long time to get it right. Way longer than it probably should have. We're pretty sure that many out there will still take issue with our choices but, whatever, we're pretty proud of these picks. All we can do at this point is apologize for the extreme tardiness of this article and promise to do our best to at least release our 2023 list in the first half of next year. But in the meantime, please read on for our selections for the 12 best titles that 2022 had to offer:
Well, 2022 is already 2/3rds of the way done, and now that the "new" generation of consoles (that came out nearly two years ago) are finally starting to become easier to obtain at the suggested retail price, it seems that the time is finally right to discuss the best games from the prior year. Assuming you can still remember that far back, 2021 was actually another decent year for gaming. Even though the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 remained next to impossible to obtain at sane prices, they both saw the release of some great new titles and even the occasional exclusive (although in the case of the Series X, that term is somewhat generous). There were also a number of big releases for the Switch and PC as well. Please read on for a list of the best games of 2021 according to 12/12 Games:
Well, it's a new year and I'm back again with another best-of retrospective. This go round, we'll be taking another 12-year look-back, at the best games of 2009, and unlike with the last one, I'm happy to be able to deliver it in a more timely, and thus, sensible fashion. 2009 was another great year for games. But really though, aren't they all, just about? Let's just say, it wasn't any slouch. Please join me as I take a look back at some of the following reasons why.
As you might have noticed by now, I have kind of a thing for gaming retrospectives. I also love anything having to do with the number 12. For those reasons, I've decided to debut a new retrospective series where I take a look back at the best games from 12 years ago. In the case of this particular article, the year 2008. Now you may be thinking, "it's the end of 2021, shouldn't this article be about 2009 or even 2010?" And the answer is, I'm going back a full 12 years (and several months). I also meant to post this months ago but got a bit sidetracked. Just go with it. 2008 was a special year for gaming that saw a number of truly exceptional titles grace the various consoles of the day. Please join me as I look back at what I feel were 12 of the absolute best.
It's so nice to be out of 2020. Between the pandemic and a multitude of various other reasons, it was surely a year most people would sooner forget. But that being said, 2020 wasn't actually a total loss. Despite several titles having to see their release dates pushed back due to the challenges of working through social distancing and quarantines, it was overall a pretty fantastic year for video games. Don't believe us? Well, just read on and see for yourself as we recap 12 of the very brightest spots in an otherwise pretty dark year.
With the end of 2019, the 2010s also finally came to a close. And now that we've looked back on all the great games of 2019, it's time to take a look back at the decade as a whole and talk about the titles that really stood out as the very best of the best. It may have been a long 10 years, with lots of changes in the gaming world, but it was chock full of gaming experiences that were absolutely second to none. While it may have pained us to narrow so many fantastic games down to only a dozen, we have done exactly that, just for you. Here are our picks for the 12 best games of the 2010s:
Happy 2020! It's a new year once again (and a new decade as well), and that means it's time for another round-up of the best games from the previous 12 months. 2019 was another amazing 365 days of great games to play. So many great games, in fact, that narrowing down our choices to merely a select 12 proved particularly difficult this time around. In the end though, we were able to get it done, and now feel sufficiently confident in our selections. We hope you will too. So without further ado, 12/12 Games humbly presents, the 12 best games of 2019.
December 2024
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