Best PlayStation 2 Exclusive
- Developer: Atlus
- Platform: PlayStation 2
- Number of Players: 1
Best RPG
- Publisher: Bethesda
- Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
- Number of Players: 1
Essentially, what Besthesda did, was to take their mega-hit 2006 game, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and marry it to the Fallout universe. Perhaps, unsurprisingly, this worked; and Fallout 3 was also a success. Such a success, in fact, that it managed to surpass the combined sales of all previous installments of the Fallout series in just it's first week on the market. While there may have been some who missed the style of the old Fallout games, it was hard to dispute that the changes made were a net positive. In any case, Bethesda decided to tap Obsidian Entertainment, a studio composed of key former member of Black Isle, to create Fallout New Vegas, the equally-outstanding 2010 follow-up to Fallout 3. So fans of the original developer did still technically get one last encore entry from them.
- Developer: SEGA
- Platform: PlayStation 3
- Number of Players: 1
Best Sports Game, Best PlayStation 3 Exclusive
- Developer: Clap Hanz
- Platform: PlayStation 3
- Number of Players: 1-4 locally or 2-4 online
Best Fighting Game
- Publisher: Namco Bandai
- Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
- Number of Players: 1-2 locally or 2 online
As a unique cross promotion for Star Wars: The Force Unleased (which came out a month and a half after), SoulCalibur IV also featured the protagonist of that game, Galen Marek/Starkiller, a.k.a. The Apprentice, as well as Darth Vader and Yoda, all as playable characters. While the 16th century setting of the SoulCalibur universe might not have been the most ideal fit for a bunch of futuristic, plasma sword-wielding space wizards, their presence in the game (along with their own fantastic stage) was a welcome addition, nevertheless. At the very least, it served to give fans the world over a taste of what a well-crafted Star Wars-themed arcade fighter could be. SoulCalbur IV was truly another high point for the incredibly popular fighting game franchise, and in retaining the features and gameplay that the series was already famous for while bringing such compelling new additions to the table, it's little wonder why.
Best Strategy Game
- Publisher: Nintendo
- Platform: Nintendo DS
- Number of Players: 1-4 locally or 2 online
Best Action Game, Best Horror Game, Best Nintendo DS Exclusive
- Developer: Konami
- Platform: Nintendo DS
- Number of Players: 1-2 locally or 2 online
Though it may have been his last main-series title, it certainly wasn't his least. The game boasted some fresh new tweaks (and a slightly greater difficulty) to the usual style of gameplay, and it proved to be a hit with the critics. In addition, praise was also given to the game's thoughtful enemy design, stunning visuals, and excellent soundtrack. Many fans consider it to be one of Igarashi's best works and, as one of his last releases at Konami, represents a true swan song for both his time with the company and for the franchise he brought so much quality and acclaim to.
Best Music/Rhythm Game
- Developer: Harmonix
- Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2
- Number of Players: 1-4 locally or 2-4 online
Instead, they made several improvements to the formula for 2008's Rock Band 2. First and foremost, they released an improved drum kit featuring new ports that allowed for the addition of cymbals, for a more realistic drumming experience. They also included a special training mode specifically designed for drummers, and online modes for band battles and World Tour. Furthermore, and in an incredibly welcome move, all downloadable songs for the first game were made available for use with the sequel, in addition to the majority of songs from the first game, itself. All of these well thought out strategies to enhance an already phenomenal experience served to make Rock Band 2, not only one of the best games of 2008, but possibly one of the smartest, most rewarding sequels ever created (until Rock Band 3, anyway).
- Developer: Black Rock
- Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
- Number of Players: 1 locally or 2-16 online
At first glance, you might think Pure was just another run-of-the-mill quad game. But dig a little deeper and you would quickly realize that Pure was actually something pretty special. The game offerred a multitude of thrilling locations featuring jaw-dropping vistas and insane verticality. It also boasted a great sense of speed, plenty of modes and tricks, and a plethora of available options with which to customize your own ride. Just as they had done with their MotoGP series for its style of racing, Climax/Black Rock managed to create the pinnacle of ATV racing perfection with Pure. A game that, quite similarly, has remained unrivaled since.
Best Racing Game
- Developer: Codemasters
- Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Steam
- Number of Players: 1 locally or 2-12 online
With so much attention to detail, and so many different, unique, and interesting options on offer, Grid wasn't simply the best racing game of 2008, it was one of the greatest racing titles ever made. Grid was so good in fact that Sega, a company that was incredibly famous over the years for their own outstanding racing games, decided to strike a deal to publish an arcade version of it, themselves. The fact that Sega not only considered the console game to be arcade-worthy, but worthy of their branding in the arcade, is about the highest praise I can imagine.
Best Adventure Game, Best Multi-Platform Title
- Developer: Rockstar
- Platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
- Number of Players: 1 locally or 2-16 online
Best Shooter, Best Xbox 360 Exclusive, Game of the Year
- Developer: Epic Games
- Platform: Xbox 360
- Number of Players: 1-2 locally or 2-10 linked or online