Also out in the last four months, a sequel to the 2017 puzzle game mash-up, Puyo Puyo Tetris; a slew of fantastic new GOG releases; and a follow-up to 2014's Hyrule Warriors. Night City changes every body. Jump past the break to see more new releases from the last 28 days.
Well, CD Projekt delayed it all they could, but apparently they weren't willing to go beyond 2020. So as a result, Cyberpunk 2077 is finally out, for better or for worse. Though between high-end PC graphics cards being nearly as impossible to find as the new video game consoles, and Cyberpunk being nearly unplayable on the consoles it was actually designed for, perhaps a delay into 2021 wouldn't have been the worst thing in the world. That being said, If you do happen to be one of the very lucky few who was able to somehow secure a high-end graphics card and/or next-gen game console, word is that Cyberpunk is a pretty decent trip, so long as you don't mind a few bugs. Hopefully, CD Projekt will use the coming months to fix these aforementioned issues that really should have been addressed before release.
Also out in the last four months, a sequel to the 2017 puzzle game mash-up, Puyo Puyo Tetris; a slew of fantastic new GOG releases; and a follow-up to 2014's Hyrule Warriors. Night City changes every body. Jump past the break to see more new releases from the last 28 days.
March 2024
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