Also out in the last month, another collection of top-notch Castlevania games (and just in time for October, too); one of the most famous video games of all time; and a brand new installment to the now long-running Tales series. Find the Rot, then jump past the break to see more new release from the last 28 days.
Notable New Gaming Releases: Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Castlevania Advance Collection, and More...9/25/2021 Is September almost over already? Time sure flies towards the end of the year! The big release this week looks to be Kena: Bridge of Spirits. A charming 3D action-adventure title, seemingly inspired by the 3D Legend of Zelda games, Bridge of Spirits appears to be a pretty solid first effort for debut studio, Ember Lab. If you're growing restless waiting for Breath of the Wild 2, this might just be a pretty decent way to help pass the time.
Also out in the last month, another collection of top-notch Castlevania games (and just in time for October, too); one of the most famous video games of all time; and a brand new installment to the now long-running Tales series. Find the Rot, then jump past the break to see more new release from the last 28 days.
Sorry for the delay in posting the usual June E3 news but we (like so many others) were waiting on Sony to get with the program and give the fans at least some idea of what they can expect to get excited about over the next year or two. Well, a year later Covid-19 still wouldn't take a hint and kindly flock off so this year's E3 event still wasn't the typical show everyone is used to. It was back, though, online only and rebranded as the "Electronic Entertainment Experience", but we'll always take some kind of a show over no show at all.
Microsoft and Bethesda got things going with their first E3 press conference as one singular industry titan. Followed shortly after by Nintendo, who did their now-standard E3 Nintendo Direct presentation. Sony, however, decided it was too cool for school, skipped E3 altogether and waited till just this month to hold their own upcoming releases showcase. But now that we've heard from all 3 players, we can finally round up the highlights for you. |
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