The game will feature warring tribes, tools and weapons crafted from bone and stone, and intimidating megafauna such as saber-tooth tigers and woolly mammoths. No price point has been revealed as of yet, though Amazon is currently listing pre-orders at $60. Hopefully, that is a just a placeholder price until the actual (lower) one is revealed. Ubisoft's last Far Cry offshoot, Blood Dragon (a stand-alone expansion to Far Cry 3) only cost $14.99 when it was released.
Like Blood Dragon, Far Cry Primal will also be stand-alone, so Ubisoft's excellent 2014 release, Far Cry 4, will not be required to play it. You can, however, feel free to enjoy that game until Primal is released in February of next year (March, for PC).
For more on Far Cry Primal, you can visit the game's official website that recently went live, or you can check out the European reveal trailer, after the break.