As a royal from the fictional Hoshido kingdom, Corrin is captured and raised from a young age by the rival Nohr royalty. Years later, the two kingdoms begin to go to war with each other and the player, as Corrin, must choose whether to fight for their adopted kingdom of Nohr (the storyline of Conquest) or their birth kingdom of Hoshido (the storyline of Birthright). Pick a side and go to battle for whichever family you prefer. Or, if you are really a Fire Emblem fan, give both games a shot. (According to the Fire Emblem Fates game links below, you can elect to purchase a discounted download of the opposite game from Chapter Six in either story.)
Also out these past few weeks, the crazy 4-way Nintendo-SEGA-Capcom-Namco crossover tactical RPG sequel, Project X Zone 2, the Wii U Wii edition of Resident Evil 4, and a pair of NES Ninja Gaiden sequels. Pick your battle and choose your fate, then jump past the break to see more new(ish) releases.
Wii U
- Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (Wii) (Capcom, 1 player, $19.99)
- Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos (NES Virtual Console) (Tecmo, 1 player, $4.99)
- Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (NES Virtual Console) (Tecmo, 1 player, $4.99)
- Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones (NES Virtual Console) (Arc System Works, 2 players, simultaneous, $4.99)
- Big Brain Academy (Nintendo DS Virtual Console) (Nintendo, 1 player, $6.99)
- Polarium Advance (Game Boy Advance Virtual Console) (Nintendo, 1 player, $6.99)
- Kuru Kuru Kururin (Game Boy Advance Virtual Console) (Nintendo, 1 player, $6.99)
- Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (Intelligent Systems, 1 player, $39.99)
- Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (Intelligent Systems, 1 player, $39.99)
- Project X Zone 2 (Bandai Namco, 1 player, $39.99)
- Alphadia (Kemco, 1 player, $9.99)