Also out this week is the long-awaited Wii U version of Minecraft, and an indie Japanese action-adventure game called The Legend of Dark Witch 2. Get ready, equip your Z-Saber, then jump past the break to see this list of new releases.
Wii U
- Mega Man Zero 4 (Game Boy Advance Virtual Console) (Capcom, 1 player, $7.99)
- Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel (Game Boy Advance Virtual Console) (Capcom, 1 player, $6.99)
- Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Proto Man (Game Boy Advance Virtual Console) (Capcom, 1 player, $6.99)
- Minecraft: Wii U Edition (Mojang, up to 8 players, $29.99)
- The Legend of Dark Witch 2 (Inside System, 1 player, $6.99)