Be sure to take the box of Parabellum ammo and the typewriter ribbon (you're going to need them). Jump past the break to see more of this week's new releases.
PlayStation 4
- Resident Evil Zero (Capcom, 1 player, $19.99)
- Dark Cloud 2 (PS2) (Sony, 1 player, $14.99)
- Stardust Vanguards (Zanrai, 1-4 players, $9.99)
- Croixleur Sigma (Souvenir Circ, 1 player, $14.99)
- Inside My Radio (Seaven Studio, 1 player, $14.99)
- Tachyon Project (Eclipse Games, 1-4 players, $9.99)
- The Deadly Tower of Monsters (Atlus, 1 player, $14.99)
- Attractio (Bandai Namco, 1 player, $19.99)
- Baseball Riot (10tons, 1 player, $4.99)