I will say that I'm a little sad my other team, the San Francisco Giants got knocked out early. I would have loved seeing how they stacked up against the Braves in the postseason. That's right, I have two baseball teams too. I didn't always live in Atlanta, you know. At any rate, I've been a fan of both baseball organizations for years and I've loved playing the sport probably longer than that, even digitally. There have been a great number of baseball video games over the years and in honor of (one of) my team(s) making it to the final round this year, I thought I would share 6 of my favorites.
The game didn't include any licensing, so the teams were made up of fictional organizations from around the world. But it was actually kind of fun to be able to prove the superiority of your country of choice on a virtual baseball diamond, rather than a battlefield.
Sadly, unlike the aforementioned Mario Golf series, the baseball titles appaprently didn't quite catch on in the same manner. Following the single (though admittedly pretty lackluster) 2008 follow-up entry for the WIi, there hasn't been another proper installment released since. Hopefully, Nintendo will eventually come around and see fit to give the series one more at bat.