The newest release in the fantastic arcade fighting series, Revelator is a minor update to 2014's Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign-. Like that game, Revelator features cross-platform online play between the PlayStation 3 and 4 versions of the game. Unlike that game, the PS4 version of Revelator also features (quite welcome) legacy support for PS3 arcade sticks. In addition, three extra characters join the roster (as well as three more via DLC).
Also out this week, a PS4 port of our 2015 3DS game of the year, a remake of one of 2007's best PS2 games, and a PS4 port of the PS2 version of one of 2005's best games. The classics abound this week. Jump past the break to see more of this fortnight's new releases.
- Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- (Arc System Works, 1-2 players, $59.99)
- SteamWorld Heist (PlayStation Vita Cross Buy) (Image & Form, 1 player, $19.99)
- Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (Vanillaware, 1 player, $59.99)
- Psychonauts (PS2) (Double Fine, 1 player, $9.99)
- Atelier Sophie -The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book- (Gust, 1 player, $59.99)
- Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (DICE, 1 player, $59.99)
- Dead Island - Definitive Edition (Techland, 1-4 players, $19.99)
- Dead Island: Riptide - Definitive Edition (Techland, 1-4 players, $19.99)
- One Piece: Burning Blood (Spike Chunsoft, 1-4 players, $59.99)
- Oxenfree (Night School Studio, 1 player, $19.99)
- Neon Chrome (10tons, 1-4 players, $14.99)
- Hard Reset - Redux (Gambitious Digital Entertainment, 1 player, $19.99)